Contact Information -----
Hugo Ledoux
Delft University of Technology
OTB, Section GIS-technology
P.O. Box 5030, 2600 GA Delft, NL
Tel: +31 15 27 86114
fax +31 15 27 82745

Nirvana Meratnia
University of Twente
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)
Pervasive Systems (PS)
P.O.Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, NL
Tel: +31 53 489 4707
Fax: +31 53 489 4590

Arta Dilo
Delft University of Technology
OTB, Section GIS-technology
P.O. Box 5030, 2600 GA Delft, NL
Tel: +31 15 27 83616
Fax: +31 15 27 82745

Please, note that the workshop chairs are only responsible for all the academic aspects of the papers (including the submission, reviewing and final selection, among others). For questions about registration, lodging, visa, flights, or any other question, please contact ICCSA'2009 organizers