Vijfde themadag KvAG, in samenwerking met OGC en GIPSIE:


Themamiddag: OpenGIS
Locatie: ITC, Department of Geoinformatics
Hengelosestraat 99, P.O.Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede.
Datum/tijd: maandag 19 april 1999, 9.30-18.00 uur.
Kosten: geen.

De KvAG (Kring voor Aardobservatie en Geo-informatica) organiseert elk jaar een aantal thema(mid)dagen. De KvAG bestaat uit drie secties, te weten: 1. fotogrammetrie, 2. remote sensing en 3. GIS. Op maandag 19 april 1999 organiseert de KvAG, sectie GIS voor de eerste keer een hele themadag. Het onderwerp is OpenGIS en de themadag wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met het internationale OpenGIS Constorium (OGC) en het Europeese GIPSIE project. Het doel en programma zien er als volgt uit (in het Engels):

GIPSIE Information Day and OpenGISŪ Consortium Meetings

April 19th - 23rd, 1999, Enschede, The Netherlands

The GIS Project Stimulating the Industry in Europe, GIPSIE, is an initiative funded by the European Union to improve the European Small and Medium Size Enterprises' (SMEs) participation in the OpenGISŪ international process, as well as to help increase the European share in the global Geographic Information market place. One of the main objectives of GIPSIE is to organize information days to discuss stressing European issues in this rapidly growing market and to create a direct dialog between the OpenGISŪ Consortium (OGC) and the European SMEs.

During this information day, we will provide you with information on the latest technical and market trends concerning the next generation of interoperable GIS. As a part of the European GI market, you are invited to join the OpenGISŪ Consortium and other European GI industry leaders to discuss and propose European issues that need immediate and special consideration by OGC and the European Union.

Program: Monday, April 19th , 1999

0800-0930 Registration
0930-1000 GIPSIE: Welcome & Introduction (M. van der Vlught, TU Wien)
1000-1010 ITC Opening (M. Molenaar, ITC)
1010-1030 Introduction to OpenGIS (D. Schell, OGC)
1030-1100 Break
1100-1200 part 1(W. Kuhn/Y. Bishr, Univ Muenster)
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1600 part 2 (W. Kuhn/Y. Bishr)
1600-1630 European Business perspective (J. Glover, Intergraph)
1630-1700 The OpenGIS Big Picture (C. Kottman, OGC)
1700-1730 Euro SIG (G. Pichler, SICAD)
1730-1800 The Netherlands OpenGIS pilot (H. Scholten, Geodan)
1800-2000 Reception (sponsored by the Kadaster)

You are also invited to attend the OGC Technical Committee meeting from the 19th through the 22rd of April. A detailed program can be found at . Please feel free to attend this meeting and observe the work style of OGC, see the current debate, and experience the benefits that OpenGIS can give to you. The OGC Management Committee meets on October, 22th and 23th.

The information day is free, however, space is limited. Please register using the attached form as soon as possible. The meetings will take place at the International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences, ITC, Department of Geoinformatics, Hengelosestraat 99, P.O.Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The Netherlands. The building is located within walking distance from downtown, as well as from all the recommended hotels. For contact and travel information, please see If you have any question, please contact the GIPSIE workig group at