RGI-233: Usable Mobile Maps

Today we see a huge increase of the use of geo-information in mobile devices. All current solutions are based on static copies that are stored on the mobile device. This makes dynamically adapting the map to new information and to the changing circumstances of the user impossible. With the availability of high bandwidth wireless connections (such as UMTS) better, more dynamic, solutions are possible: The server generates a proper, up-to-date map of the region of interest at the right level of detail for display and adjusted to the needs of the user. For a mass market (consumers of mobile maps) the human factors aspect is very important. The currently available mobile maps solutions still have insufficient user-interfaces. Extremely important is the issue of context as the user gets ‘lost’ very easily on the small mobile displays when zooming and panning. Based on a selection of use cases (navigation, tourist support, etc.), User-Centered Design techniques will be applied to develop small prototypes / simulations and the interaction and the quality of the maps in these prototypes / simulations will be evaluated.

The project runs from 2006 to 2008 and is organized in the following work packages:

WP 1 ‘Preparation’ (month 4-9, 2006)
WP 2 ‘Prototype development’ (month 10, 2006 – month 6, 2007)
WP 3 ‘Evaluation of first prototypes’ (month 7-12, 2007)
WP 4 ‘Improved prototypes’ (month 1-6, 2008)
WP 5 ‘Evaluation of improved prototypes’ (month 7-12, 2008)

Contactpersoon Peter van Oosterom

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