Project Usable Mobile Maps closed

Original project plan, January 2006

Top-up project proposal, October 2006

Final report, December 2008

The RGI project Usable (and well scaled) Mobile Maps has been concluded per 31 December 2008. The website is now an archive for the produced results, such as: reports, articles, test data sets, etc.

MobiMaps project krijgt Geo Innovatie Award, categorie Wetenschap!

Het project 'Mobiele kaarten op juiste schaal voor gebruikers' (in het programma Bsik, Ruimte voor Geo-informatie, projectnummer RGI-233) heeft donderdag 3 september jl. tijdens het RGI Nazomerfeest de Geo Innovatie Award gewonnen in de categorie wetenschap. Martijn Meijers (TU Delft) heeft deze Award in ontvangst genomen en net als bij de Oscars in zijn dankwoord de partners genoemd. Uiteraard is het een grote eer om uit de 100 RGI projecten te worden geselecteerd voor deze Award.

Wat een verrassing was dat er ook een Award is gegeven aan de 'stille krachten' achter RGI en dat deze eer bij Elfriede Fendel (ook TU Delft) terecht is gekomen.

Zie ook:

The project 'Usable and well-scale mobile maps' (Bsik program Space for Geo-information, project number RGI-233) has won the Geo Innovation Award in the category Science during the RGI late summer party on September 3 last. Martijn Meijers (TU Delft) has collected the award and has mentioned all project partners during his word of thanks. It was a great honour to be selected out of the 100 RGI projects for this Award. A surprise was that there was also an Award for the 'hidden forces' behind RGI. This Award has been handed over to Elfriede Fendel (TU Delft). Elfriede

Mobile maps win innovation award, Jos Wassink
Delta, jaargang 41, nummer 27, 17 september 2009, p. 7

The MobiMaps project is very honored to be selected from about 100 geo-information projects within the RGI programme to be among the three projects nominated for the geo-innovation award in the category science!

It would be even nicer the project would actually receive the award. In order to increase our changes further: please also ask your colleagues, students and friends to vote for our project before 30 June 2009!

Vote for our project!

Please vote on our project ('Mobiele kaarten op de juiste schaal voor gebruikers - RGI-233') in the category science ('Wetenschap' in Dutch). Providing a motivation is optimal, but you should provide your email address at the bottom (is used as a check to avoid double voting). If you want you can also vote for geo-innovation awards in the categories Economy (that is more commercial applications; in Dutch 'Economie') and Socienty (in Dutch 'Maatschappij').