Conditionally accepted papers:
Biniaz, Ahmad - Drainage reality in terrains with higher-order Delaunay triangulations
Bücken, Arno - Using 3D-Laser-Scanners and Image-Recognition for Volume-Based Single-Tree-Delineation and -Parameterization for 3D-GIS-Applications
Chen, Tet-Khuan - 3D Solids and Their Management In DBMS
Curtis, Eddie - Serving CityGML via Web Feature Services in the OGC Web Services - Phase 4 Testbed
Doellner, Juergen - Techniques for Generalizing Building Geometry of Complex Virtual 3D City Models
Emgard, Ludvig - Implementation alternatives for a 3D Integrated Model
Ledoux, Hugo - The Kinetic 3D Voronoi Diagram: A Tool for Simulating Environmental Processes
Mukherji, Shyamalee - Surface Reconstruction from contour lines by least sqaured-error approximation using tensor-product cubic b-splines
Oude Elberink, Sander - Re-using laser scanner data in applications on 3D topography
Penninga, Friso - First implementation results and open issues on the Poincaré-TEN data structure
Pouliot, Jacynthe - Development of a Web Geological Feature Server (WGFS) for sharing and querying of 3D objects
Pu, Shi - Automatic building modeling from terrestrial laser scanning
Slingsby, Aidan - Navigable Space in 3D City Models for Pedestrians
Thompson, Rod - Mathematically provable correct implementation of integrated 2D and 3D representations
Thomsen, Andreas - Modelling and Managing Topology in 3D Geoinformation Systems
Tse, Rebecca - 3D City Modelling from LIDAR Data
Zipf, Alexander - Towards 3D Spatial Data Infrastructures (3D-SDI) based on Open Standards: experiences, results and future issues

Conditionally accepted papers with additional requirements:
Krüger, Tobias - Using Raster DTM for Dike Modelling
Richmond, Paul - Automatic Generation of Residential Areas using GeoDemographics
Stoter, Jantien - Towards space-based modelling of continuous spatial phenomena: example of noise