The workshop will consist of a mixture of single-track presentations and discussion (PD) sessions and parallel working group (WG) sessions on specific themes.

PD sessions
For the PD sessions and conference proceedings, contributions are invited on all topics within the field of 3D geo-information, including:

- 3D geo information requirements (based on analysis of applications)
- 3D data collection
- 3D object reconstruction
- 3D terrain modelling
- 3D data models (vector, voxel, CSG, tetrahedrons, curved surfaces, etc.)
- 3D GIS
- 3D in spatial databases
- 3D topology
- 3D visualisation, Augmented and Virtual Reality
- 3D spatial analysis
- 3D simulation
- 3D and time
- 3D and levels of detail (scale/resolution)
- 3D and mobile applications

Submissions in other related areas will also be considered, especially in 3D applications (e.g. 3D cadastre, 3D utilities) that lead to fundamental new insights.

WG sessions
During the Workshop several parallel working group sessions will take place. We invite all our workshop participants to take part in a working group. Working groups will focus on:

- Requirements of 3D geoinformation
- Acquisition of 3D geoinformation
- Modelling of 3D geoinformation
- Analysis of 3D geoinformation
- Visualisation of 3D geoinformation

Each WG will (under coordination of a chair) identify current problems to be solved and come up with potential solutions and recommendations. The results of each WG will be presented by the chairs at the closing plenary session.