Delft University of Technology

Martijn Meijers

About Me B.M. (Martijn) Meijers

Martijn (1981) started his studies in Geodesy and Cartography at Utrecht University of Professional Education (Hogeschool van Utrecht), where he specialised in Geographic Information Systems. He continued his studies at Delft University of Technology, where he obtained a Master of Science degree in Geomatics in 2006. In 2011, he successfully defended his PhD thesis at this university on the topic of Variable-scale Geo-information.

Currently, he is employed as a Postdoc Researcher at Delft University of Technology, Department of GIS technology. Martijns research interests include geo-database management systems, map generalisation, cartography and geo-visualization, (applied) computational geometry for GIS, handling large datasets and topological consistency.



  • Parallel creation of vario-scale data structures for large datasets M. Meijers, R. Šuba, P. van Oosterom ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XL-4/W7 pp. 1–9 2015 Presented at 4th ISPRS International Workshop on Web Mapping and Geoprocessing Services, 01 – 03 July 2015, Sardinia, Italy doi pdf BibTeX
  • The Potential of the 3D Dual Half-Edge (DHE) Data Structure for integrated 2D-Space and Scale Modelling: a Review H. Karim, A. Abdul Rahman, P. Boguslawski, M. Meijers, P. van Oosterom Presentation at 3D GeoInfo, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28 - 30 October 2015 October 2015 BibTeX
  • Large Scale Road Network Generalization for Vario-scale Map Radan Šuba, Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom Proceedings of the 18th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil August 2015 pdf BibTeX


  • A triangulation-based approach to automatically repair GIS polygons Hugo Ledoux, Ken Arroyo Ohori, Martijn Meijers Computers & Geosciences 66 pp. 121–131 2014 Available online 30 January 2014 doi pdf BibTeX
  • Vario-scale data structures supporting smooth zoom and progressive transfer of 2D and 3D data Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 3 pp. 455–478 2014 doi pdf BibTeX
  • A Voronoi-based approach to generating depth-contours for hydrographic charts Ravi Peters, Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers Marine Geodesy: an international journal of ocean surveys, mapping and sensing 37 pp. 145–166 2014 doi pdf BibTeX
  • Abstracting geographic information in a data rich world: Methodologies and applications of map generalisation Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers, Jantien Stoter, Radan Šuba Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography 2014 XV Dirk Burghardt, Cécile Duchene, William Mackaness (editors) Data Structures for Continuous Generalisation: tGAP and SSC Springer pp. 83–118 2014 Chapter 4 in Book "Abstracting geographic information in a data rich world" doi pdf BibTeX
  • An area merge operation for smooth zooming Radan Šuba, Martijn Meijers, Lina Huang, Peter van Oosterom Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and Place Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Joaquín Huerta, Sven Schade, Carlos Granell (editors) pp. 275–293 2014 doi BibTeX
  • Continuous road network generalisation Radan Šuba, Martijn Meijers, Lina Huang, Peter van Oosterom Proceedings of the 17th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, Vienna, Austria, September 23, 2014 2014 BibTeX


  • 3D visualisation of underground pipelines: best strategy for 3D scene creation Josafat Isaí Guerrero Iñiguez, Sisi Zlatanova, Martijn Meijers ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences II-2/W1 pp. 139–145 2013 doi pdf BibTeX
  • A star-based data structure to store efficiently 3D topography in a database Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers Geo-spatial Information Science 16 4 pp. 256–266 2013 doi pdf BibTeX
  • Representing three-dimensional topography in a DBMS with a star-based data structure Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers Progress and New Trends in 3D Geoinformation Sciences Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Jacynthe Pouliot, Sylvie Daniel, Frédéric Hubert, Alborz Zamyadi (editors) Springer Berlin Heidelberg 978-3-642-29793-9 pp. 119–132 2013 doi pdf BibTeX
  • SplitArea: een algoritme om vlakken te splitsen voor de tGAP data structuren Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom Geo-Info 10 3 Geo-Informatie Nederland 1572-5464 (print) 2211-0739 (online) pp. 14–18 2013 pdf BibTeX
  • 2D vario-scale representations based on real 3D structure Radan Šuba, Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom Proceedings of the 16th ICA Generalization Workshop pp. 1–11 August 2013 pdf BibTeX
  • EdgeCrack: a parallel Divide-and-Conquer algorithm for building a topological data structure Martijn Meijers, Hugo Ledoux Urban and Regional Data Management: Annual 2013 Claire Ellul, Sisi Zlatanova, Massimo Rumor, Robert Laurini (editors) CRC Press pp. 107–116 May 2013 pdf BibTeX
  • Generation and generalization of safe depth-contours for hydrographic charts using a surface-based approach Ravi Peters, Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers Proceedings of the 16th ICA Generalization Workshop pp. 1–9 August 2013 pdf BibTeX


  • Validation and Automatic Repair of Planar Partitions Using a Constrained triangulation Ken Arroyo Ohori, Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation (PFG) 2012 5 1432-8364 pp. 613–630 November 2012 pdf BibTeX
  • Variabele-schaal geo-informatie Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers Geo-Info 10 Geo-Informatie Nederland 1572-5464 (print) 2211-0739 (online) pp. 21–42 2012 pdf BibTeX
  • Een landsdekkende BGT, zonder gaten en overlap Ken Arroyo Ohori, Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers, Jantien Stoter Geo-Info 8 Geo-Informatie Nederland 1572-5464 (print) 2211-0739 (online) pp. 4–8 2012 pdf BibTeX
  • Vario-scale data structures supporting smooth zoom and progressive transfer of 2D and 3D data Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers Jaarverslag 2011 Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie 978-90-6132-338-9 pp. 21–42 2012 pdf pdf BibTeX
  • Vario-scale data structures for 2D and 3D geo-information Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers ISG 2012: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium & Exhibition on Geoinformation Kuala Lumpur ISG pp. 1–19 2012 pdf BibTeX
  • Automatically repairing polygons and planar partitions with prepair and pprepair Ken Arroyo Ohori, Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers Proceedings of the 4th Open Source GIS UK Conference September 2012 Best paper/presentation award pdf BibTeX
  • Automatically repairing invalid polygons with a constrained triangulation Hugo Ledoux, Ken Arroyo Ohori, Martijn Meijers Multidisciplinary Research on Geographical Information in Europe and Beyond. Proceedings of the 15th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science Jérôme Gensel, Didier Josselin, Danny Vandenbroucke (editors) pp. 13–18 April 2012 pdf pdf Presentation BibTeX
  • Comparing the vario-scale approach with a discrete multi-representation based approach for automated generalisation of topographic data Martijn Meijers, Jantien Stoter, Peter van Oosterom Proceedings of the 15th Workshop of the ICA Commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation jointly organised with EuroSDR Commission 4 - Data Specifications Istanbul, Turkey pp. 1–10 September 2012 pdf BibTeX
  • True vario-scale maps that support smooth-zoom Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers Proceedings of the Geospatial World Forum 2012 Amsterdam, The Netherlands pp. 1–9 April 2012 pdf BibTeX
  • Integrating scale and space in 3D city models Jantien Stoter, Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers, Ken Arroyo Ohori Proceedings of the 7th International 3D GeoInfo Conference International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XXXVIII-4/C26 Jacynthe Pouliot, Sylvie Daniel, Frédéric Hubert, Alborz Zamyadi (editors) pp. 7–10 May 2012 doi pdf pdf BibTeX
  • 5D modelling - applications and advantages Jantien Stoter, Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers, Ken Arroyo Ohori, Peter van Oosterom Proceedings of the Geospatial World Forum 2012 Amsterdam, The Netherlands pp. 1–9 April 2012 pdf BibTeX


  • Topologically consistent 3D city models obtained by extrusion Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers International Journal of Geographical Information Science 25 4 pp. 557–574 2011 pdf BibTeX
  • Simultaneous & topologically-safe line simplification for a variable-scale planar partition Martijn Meijers Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Stan Geertman, Wolfgang Reinhardt, Fred Toppen (editors) Springer Berlin Heidelberg pp. 337–358 April 2011 pdf BibTeX
  • Towards a true vario-scale structure supporting smooth-zoom Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers Proceedings of 14th ICA/ISPRS Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation Paris pp. 1–19 2011 pdf BibTeX
  • Cache-friendly progressive data streaming with variable-scale data structures Martijn Meijers Proceedings of 14th ICA/ISPRS Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation pp. 1–19 2011 pdf BibTeX
  • The space-scale cube: An integrated model for 2D polygonal areas and scale Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom 28th Urban Data Management Symposium International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 38 4 pp. 95–102 September 2011 doi pdf BibTeX
  • Variable-scale Geo-information Martijn Meijers Delft University of Technology 978-9-6132-335-8 December 2011 pdf pdf pdf BibTeX
  • Method and system for generating maps in an n-dimensional space Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers 2006630 2011 Dutch patent application 2006630, WO 2012/144983, filed April 19, 2011, published October 26, 2012. pdf BibTeX


  • Validation of planar partitions using constrained triangulations Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers Proceedings of the 14th Joint International Conference on Theory, Data Handling and Modelling in Geospatial Information Science Hong Kong pp. 51–56 May 2010 pdf BibTeX
  • Applying DLM and DCM concepts in a multi-scale data environment Jantien Stoter, Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom, Dietmar Grünreich, Menno-Jan Kraak Proceedings of GDI 2010: Symposium on Generalization and Data Integration Barbara P. Buttenfield, Cynthia A. Brewer, Keith C. Clarke, M.P. Finn, E. Lynn Usery (editors) Boulder, USA University of Colorado pp. 1–7 2010 pdf BibTeX


  • A storage and transfer efficient data structure for variable scale vector data Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom, Wilko Quak Advances in GIScience Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Monika Sester, Lars Bernard, Volker Paelke (editors) Springer Berlin Heidelberg 1863-2246 (print) 1863-2351 (online) 978-3-642-00318-9 pp. 345–367 2009 doi pdf BibTeX
  • Topologisch consistente 3D-stadsmodellen: een aanpak op basis van extrusie en triangulatie Martijn Meijers, Hugo Ledoux Geo-Info 6 12 Geo-Informatie Nederland 1572-5464 (print) 2211-0739 (online) pp. 8–12 2009 pdf pdf BibTeX
  • Extruding building footprints to create topologically consistent 3D city models Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers Urban and Regional Data Management: Annual 2009 Alenka Krek, Massimo Rumor, Sisi Zlatanova, Elfriede M. Fendel (editors) CRC Press pp. 39–48 June 2009 pdf BibTeX
  • Applying DLM and DCM concepts in a multi-scale environment Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 'Generalization of Spatial Information (09161)' S. Mustière, M. Sester, F. van Harmelen, P. van Oosterom (editors) April 2009 pdf BibTeX
  • Research challenges in automated generalisation and cartographic modelling Jantien Stoter, Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom Proceedings of Think Tank meeting, Centre for Geospatial Science Nottingham, United Kingdom Ordnance Survey pp. 1–2 December 2009 pdf BibTeX


  • A data model for multi-scale topographical data Jantien Stoter, Javier Morales, Rob Lemmens, Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom, Wilko Quak, Harry Uitermark, Linda van den Brink Headway in Spatial Data Handling: Proceedings of the 13th international symposium on Spatial Data Handling, SDH 2008 Lecture Notes in Geoinformaton and Cartography A. Ruas, C. Gold (editors) Berlin Springer 978-3-540-68565-4 pp. 233–254 2008 pdf BibTeX


  • Considerations for the design of a semantic data model for a multi-representation topographical database Jantien Stoter, Javier Morales, Rob Lemmens, Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom, Wilko Quak, Harry Uitermark Proceedings of the 2nd ISGI 2007: International CODATA symposium on generalization of information, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-3 October 2007 Lecture notes in Information Sciences H. Kremers (editor) Berlin CODATA 978-3-00-022382-2 pp. 53–71 October 2007 pdf BibTeX


  • Vario-scale data server in a web service context Peter van Oosterom, Marian De Vries, Martijn Meijers Proceedings of the ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation Vancouver, USA pp. 1–14 June 2006 pdf BibTeX
  • Implementation and testing of variable scale topological data structures: experiences with the GAP-face tree and GAP-edge forest Martijn Meijers Delft University of Technology June 2006 pdf BibTeX


  • 3D geo-information indoors: structuring for evacuation Martijn Meijers, Sisi Zlatanova, Norbert Pfeifer Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Next Generation 3D City Models Bonn, Germany pp. 1–6 June 2005 pdf BibTeX

Other overviews

My publications, via:

  1. Metis (TU Delft publication system)
  2. GDMC
  3. Repository TU Delft
  4. Scopus
  5. Google Scholar
  6. DBLP
  7. Microsoft Academic Search



Courses that I am (or have been) involved in:

  • GEO3001 – Python Programming for Geomatics (MSc Geomatics, BK)
  • GEO1010 – Python Programming for Geomatics (Minor Sensing the City, BK)
  • SPM2710 – Ruimtelijke plannen en ruimtelijke modellen (BSc, TBM)
  • GM1050 – GIS Principles and Applications (MSc, Geomatics)
  • GE4612 – Geo-information Infrastructure Technology (MSc, Geomatics)
  • CT1130 – Geo-informatie voor Civiel Technici (BSc, CiTG)

MSc graduates

MSc thesis research, in which I was involved:

Related study

Geomatics is concerned with collecting, storing, manipulating, analyzing, and displaying information about geographic phenomena.


Python gems

Python Powered

My Python gems are hosted on Bitbucket. Version Control:



prepair, Automatic repair of single polygons (C++). Maintained by: Ken Arroyo Ohori & Hugo Ledoux. Version Control:



pprepair, validation and automatic repair of planar partitions (C++). Maintained by: Ken Arroyo Ohori. Version Control:


Social networking

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Contact information

Contacting me

Either via e-mail:,
or via phone: +31 (0) 15 278 56 42.

Visiting me

TU Delft
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (Building 8)
Department of GIS technology
Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft, The Netherlands
Office 00.west.510 (monday–friday)